Partnership International, Inc.
Celebrating our 34 Years of Service:
Partnership International, Inc. (PI), founded in November
1990, is an international consulting firm that provides renewable
energy and infrastructure technical, financial/economic, legal/regulatory
and commercial advice to clients on projects that promote sustainable
development through infrastructure investments. We are recognized
for delivering pragmatic, market-driven solutions for our public
and private clients across multiple industries and sectors. Through
our offices in Washington, DC, and in the field, our staff targets
meaningful sectoral reforms to stimulate sustainable economic growth
in developing and emerging markets worldwide.
Partnership International provides consulting
services in the following areas: |
- Energy: power grids, micro-grids, renewable energies
(solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, biomass, biofuels, WTE,
- Clean Water: desalination/purification of seawater,
wastewater and backwater.
- Environment: energy efficiency, carbon & climate
change, clean development mechanisms, environmental &
social impact assessments.
- ICT: knowledge management, smart-grids, resource
management, monitoring & evaluation systems, financial
software, energy/efficiency mapping, resource databases,
data portals.
- Transportation: ports, airports, roads, and transportation
- Public-Private Sector Collaboration: business &
trade development and international collaboration towards
poverty reduction and economic growth.
Service Solutions:
- Sector Reform & Development: policy & regulatory,
market assessments, institutional & enterprise restructuring,
process reengineering, supply-chain development, public-private
partnership investments.
- Economic & Financial Analysis: economic analysis,
financial modeling, tariff setting, project financing, business
plan & strategy.
- Project Management: technical/financial feasibility,
socio-economic impact, environmental impact assessment,
public awareness, implementation plans, monitoring & evaluation.
Partnership International Worldwide:
Partnership International works in partnership with internationally
seasoned senior professionals. Partnership International is composed
of senior partners and technical advisors with in-depth experience
in creating the necessary regulatory, institutional and economic
environment to promote public and private investments in infrastructure
projects. Our professional staff is multicultural and multilingual
with extensive overseas experience. Partnership International consultants
have worked for Fortune 500 companies, the World Bank, the UNDP,
the U.S. Government, and other distinguished employers. Partnership
International includes experts with extensive contacts with government
ministries, donor agencies, financial institutions and local entities
worldwide. While providing country-specific solutions, Partnership
International is a distinctively international consulting firm in
its structure, its staffing and its competencies.
Partnership International's Sustainable
Development & Market-Oriented Approach:
Partnership International works closely with private clients,
government agencies, multilateral organizations and bilateral donors
in creating the necessary regulatory, institutional and economic
frameworks to promote investments in vital infrastructure projects
that promote economic growth, social development, eliminate poverty
and create jobs. We believe in establishing a strong local presence
as the key to our success in addressing the requirements of our
clients. In doing so, we work closely with local partners in developing
and proposing best-practice market-driven solutions which address
the internal vision of the country, while ensuring an international
perspective with market-place efficiencies.
Partnership International, History &
Founding Board:
Founded in 1990, under the direction of Sargent R. Shriver (founder
and first Director of the Peace Corps, US Ambassador to France,
and founder of the Job Corps), the mission of Partnership International
is to promote international collaboration between people for a better
world. Partnership International's projects and mission has slightly
changed over the years, but continues to reflect the same vision
of Sargent Shriver. We aim to provide assistance between nations
and their people for a better world by giving people the infrastructure
needed to make their world better. Based on his brother-in-law John
F. Kennedy's famous statement: "Ask not what your country can
do for you, but what you can do for your country;" Partnership
International has taken this statement a step further by extending
it beyond nations, and asking all citizens of the world to give
a helping hand to improve our collective future.
Partnership International, Sustainable
ICT Development:
Global Micro-grid Resource Portal
- Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL), UN Foundation
In support of the UN Foundation’s effort for SE4ALL, Partnership
International (PI) is helping to develop a comprehensive portal
for micro-grids that enhances the global communications and information
sharing. Partnership International, working with the UN Foundation
Mini/Micro-Grid Working Group, took has taken the lead in this effort.
Together with this consortium of NGOs and private micro-grid related
companies, PI is developed a global Microgrid Resource Portal and
database that maped different micro-grid projects and provided know-how
on the technical, legal, financial aspects of these developments
around the world. The project aimed to provide alternative micro-grid
best-practice models of electrification in developing countries,
where the provision of electricity from the national grids is neither
available nor stable.
BAPPENAS/KfW - Geothermal Investment
Database, Indonesia
PI provided technical assistant to the Government of Indonesia to
effectively plan and coordinate public and private investments in
the geothermal sector. Our Technical, ICT, Financial and Legal Advisors
assisted BAPPENAS in developing an action plan to mobilization geothermal
investments. Our objective was to develop an Investment Database
to provide support to the planning and execution of geothermal projects
and to accelerate the development of geothermal-based power (both
greenfields and brownfields). The Geothermal Investment Database
("Geo Portal") was being collaboratively developed with
BAPPENAS staff to help attract public and private financing and
to support the coordination of this effort among ministries, departments,
local government authorities as well as public and private financing
Solutions of Solar in a Box (SOSolar
Boxes), Haiti
Partnership International aims to assist the Haitian
relief efforts by providing "Solutions of Solar in a Box" (SOS
Box). > SOSolar
Boxes Info
PI at Conferences
and Workshops:
InterSolar: Emerging Solar Markets
Partnership International presented
at the InterSolar North America (www.intersolar.us). The conference
comprise 25 sessions with more than 150 speakers with over 60,000
trade visitors. Partnership International presentation “Tools for
Success: Best Practice for Emerging Markets” was targeted to assist
international decision-makers interested in promoting solar energy
in emerging markets. The presentation covered the three key areas
in which regulatory, technical and financial structures best suit
the particular needs of each regions.
GEF/World Bank: GeoFund Geothermal
Workshop, Turkey
Partnership International, with the International
Geothermal Association (IGA), received financing from the World
Bank toward the cost of the implementation of region wide technical
assistance as part of the Geothermal Energy Development Program
(GeoFund), and hosted the International Geothermal Workshop to help
develop geothermal development in the Europe Central Asia (ECA)
> Geothermal
Africa Geothermal Center of Excellence:
Validation Workshop The Validation Workshop on the
Feasibility Study for establishing an African Geothermal CoE was
held at the UN Complex in Nairobi, Kenya on 12-13 August 2015. The
workshop was hosted by UNEP and co-organized by GoK, ICEIDA and
AUC. The goal was to provide a collaborative platform for countries
to contribute and discuss the vision of the CoE and foster ownership
and leadership among participating countries. Partnership International
then conducted the Feasibility Study based on the feedback of the
workshop's participants for the establishment of the African Geothermal
Center of Excellence.
Cavitation Technologies, Inc. (CTi) - H2O Cav-Unit Water Remediation and Desalination, Global Partnership International
is helping develop and implement an international business strategy
for a cavitation water treatment technology which
can remediate almost any water (saltwater, wastewater, polluted lakes,
etc.), without chemicals or added emissions, while operating either off- or on-grid
using minimal energy. PI is seeking global strategic development
partners and securing funding (grants, equity, and debt) for the
expansion of this water treatment technology in areas of need. If
you are interested, please contact us at pi@partnership-international.com.
Regeneración Ecológica, S.A. de C.V.
and its renewable energy holding company Enermun, S.A. de C.V. to
develop Utility-Scale Solar Plants in Mexico
Partnership International is helping RE/Enermun develop grid connected
PV power projects in Mexico. Regeneración
Ecológica has formed a new special purpose vehicular (SPV) holding
company ENERMUN (Project Sponsor), to develop renewable energy projects
in Mexico. Working with Partnership International (PI) and Sustainable
Development Partners (SD Partners), their first initiative is to
develop a 100 to 250 MW dc grid-connected Solar PV Power Plant “La Pluma"
in the state of Coahuila, Mexico.
USAID funded Solar PV development
with the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA)
Partnership International assisted the Jamaica Hotel & Tourist
Association (JHTA) develop grid-connected Solar PV systems for its
members with funding from the USAID Clean Energy Facility for the
Caribbean and Central America (CEFF-CCA). The JHTA goal was to develop
solar power at member locations across six area chapters. The PI
team has developed five models to address the needs of different
types of members within the JHTA: large scale hotels, medium scale
hotels, small/boutique hotels, accommodation/villas and tourism
providers. The aim of the project was to improve power supplies
available for JHTA members while reducing their dependence on imported
fossil fuels.
Caribbean Community Climate Change
Center: Consultancy to Develop an Expanded Work Plan for USAID CCAP,
Eastern and Southern Caribbean
USAID CCAP is a partnership established in July 2016 between USAID
Eastern and Southern Caribbean (USAID/ESC) and the Caribbean Community
Climate Change Centre (CCCCC). CCCCC chose Partnership International
to provide consultancy services to develop and finalize USAID CCAP
Expanded Work Plan (July 2016 – September 2018). Under the Work
Plan, three technical components aimed to strengthen an integrated
system to reduce risks to human and natural systems resulting from
climate vulnerability by strengthening an integrated system for
the implementation and financing of sustainable adaptation approaches
in the Eastern and Southern Caribbean region. This Work Plan was
implemented by CCCCC, in partnerships with national governments,
other donors working in the region, regional institutions, the private
sector, community-based organizations (CBOs), and non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) in 10 countries in USAID/ESC’s region.
Energy Smart Fund, IADB/Barbados
Partnership International was selected to develop a monitoring system
for Barbados' Energy Smart Fund Program aimed to promote the increased
use of Renewable Energy (RE) and the implementation of Energy Efficiency
(EE) under the auspices of the Prime Minister’s Office. Toward this goal, PI designed
a database reporting system that facilitated the monitoring and
evaluation (M&E) of the technical aspects of the program’s outputs
by tracking the progress and impacts of the program based on various
established indicators. PI utilized social, economic,
developmental and environmental indicators within the current energy
climate in Barbados to gage what best addresses the government’s
goals. Our team reviewed the Energy Smart Fund Program and options
for the government to sustain and scale up sustainable energy projects.
PI reviewed these indicators to develop a framework that will provide
guidance for further investment and funding options from the government.
ICEIDA/GDC - Geothermal Center of
Excellence, Africa
Partnership International was selected to conduct a feasibility
study and prepare a conceptual model and budget for the establishment
of an African Geothermal Center of Excellence (CoE). PI provided
detailed recommendations on the technical, intellectual, physical,
virtual and budgetary requirements of such a center that can best
serve the long-term sustainable requirements of the region as a
whole. The work plan was funded by Icelandic International Development
Agency and Nordic Development Fund (ICEIDA/NDF) and the Government
of Kenya under the auspices of the Geothermal Development Company
USTDA - Hydropower Development, Angola
Partnership International conducted an Electricity Distribution
Rehabilitation and Hydropower Development in Angola to prepare two
Master Plans for the rehabilitation and expansion of the electricity
distribution networks in the cities of Cuchi and Luena, and performed
Pre-Feasibility studies for two mini-hydroelectric projects, Kaquima
and Chafinda, located near these cities.
USTDA - MENA Geothermal, West Bank
Partnership International worked with MENA Geothermal
in the West Bank to help develop a geothermal heating and cooling
project design, feasibility and implementation plan. The PI team
assisted MENA Geothermal to develop a sustainable, bankable business
plan for implementing Geothermal “GeoExchange” systems in the region.
MENA has developed an advanced GeoExchange system adapted to local
conditions with some specialty local supplies. Our team reviewed
the feasibility, regulatory, economic, financial, environmental
and social aspect of this USTDA-funded GeoExchange system study.
Renewable Energy & Tariffs Incentives,
Partnership International worked with National
Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) by
reviewing tariff practices of various energy technologies as they
relate to Renewable Energy (RE) and are proposing suitable modifications/changes
in the tariff determination process to help promote the development
of RE in Pakistan. Our consultants assessed tariff guidelines, renewable
projects, licenses agreement, subsidies incorporated, environmental
considerations, etc. Our team aim was to enhance the overall renewable
energy sector strategies, which in turn will help create a favorable
business and trade environment for renewable energy development
to better utilize indigenous renewable energy sources such as biomass,
bio-fuels, solar, geothermal, hydro and wind.